About Me

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Above all, I am a Christian. I am blessed to say that I am currently a Third Grade teacher, but in the past I taught K, 1st, and Computer Lab. Beyond the classroom, I love my family, my boyfriend, and my God (in no particular order. ;) )



Fabulous Linkys

I Love Clipart
Third Grade Blogger

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

For the Love of the Blog


Welcome to my blog! While this is not my first blog that I have kept, this is my first time really thinking about design, layout, and such. I have had so much fun putting all of the elements together so far, (mostly because I've been able to spend an excessive amount of time on other teacher's blogs. ;) )

I want to say a quick thank you to the artists of all of the cute designs you see here. For my blog template: The Cutest Blog On The Block, and for my Bloglovin button: Kim from Literacy Sundae! You guys rock my socks off!

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