About Me

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Above all, I am a Christian. I am blessed to say that I am currently a Third Grade teacher, but in the past I taught K, 1st, and Computer Lab. Beyond the classroom, I love my family, my boyfriend, and my God (in no particular order. ;) )



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Third Grade Blogger

Friday, September 6, 2013

Five for Friday 9/6

I am linking up with Kacey from Doodle bugs teaching for

1. If you didn't gather it from my Currently post, I heart Supernatural! My boyfriend and I have been going a little crazy with Netflix marathons. I don't think we'll watch all the seasons prior to the new one airing, though.
2. Inspiration. It's amazing when inspiration hits! I am super pumped to unveil a new tool for teaching multiplication that I created. I was inspired by the fact that one of my students loves Pokemon cards. More on that one later. :) Here's a sneak peek:

3. Living life on the dangerous side. Well, folks, I have been very bad about making my to do lists, which is very out of character. Result: not completing very important things. Whoops!
4. I heart this blogging community. I have never felt more welcome before! :)
5. I want to go shopping. Like really badly. Too bad I am trying to save money... (Birthday is coming soon, though!)

Okay! Happy weekend, friends!
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  1. Hey Jessica! I've just found your blog through the linky and started following along :) I love the "teaching with spunkiness" bit in the title. We're going shopping today... although I don't normally spend as much when hubby is with me but hopefully I come away with a bit haha!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  2. Oh my goodness! Thanks for following along, especially since I had a technical difficulty with the pictures earlier. Oh the joys of writing a blog post on your iPad. :P
    Have fun shopping!

  3. Your blog is absolutely fantastic! Spent a good while looking back through your fabulous posts!

    This 5 For Friday seems really fun so I'm going to start taking part. My boyfriend and I are the same with Netflix Marathons, spent the entire past week watching the 5 series of Breaking Bad! Little bit addicted to Netflix haha!

    p.s Thank you for being my first follower :)

    Becky :) x

  4. Aww! Thank you so much! And it was my pleasure! Can't wait to read all about your teaching adventures! :)
