About Me

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Above all, I am a Christian. I am blessed to say that I am currently a Third Grade teacher, but in the past I taught K, 1st, and Computer Lab. Beyond the classroom, I love my family, my boyfriend, and my God (in no particular order. ;) )



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Third Grade Blogger

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy birthday to me!

Good morning friends!

Tomorrow is my birthday, so in honor I decided to throw a 20% off sale at my store. If you've had your eye on anything this would be a great opportunity to pick it up. :)  Those Multiplication Mania task cards are now an even better deal at $12.80! If you need them on an individual basis, they're only $1.60 a piece. Wowza!

Hurry, though! My sale will last until my Dad's birthday, Tuesday, Oct 1st. (Yup. I was his birthday present the year I was born. ;) )
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